Tips for Staying Healthy at the Office
1. 8 Tips for Staying Healthy in an Open Office
From the close quarters, providing ample breeding ground for germs and the constant noisy buzz to add stress to your day which weakens your immune system, working in an open office environment can lead to more low level illness. In this article by Spencer Blackman, writing for, we get several tips on how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season. Whether it’s getting away from the office when you can to cut down on some of the stress, or remembering to wash your hands, these common sense tips and hints will be invaluable in helping you stay healthy this winter. Read the full article here to get all the helpful information.
2. 8 Ways to Stay Healthy at Work
There are many ways to keep yourself healthy even when your day is busy at work. In this article by Sienna Kossman, writing for, we get some great common sense tips on how to increase activity and decrease our calories while still getting our work done. From always taking the stairs to bringing healthy lunches and snacks from home, staying fit while performing a desk job just takes a bit of forethought. To get all the great tips, read the full article here.
3. 5 Ways to Stay Healthy at the Office During the Winter
In this article by Erica Tseng, writing for, we get some great no nonsense advice on how to stay healthy when those around us are falling prey to cold weather illness. While the weather is colder, it’s also dryer, which means you need to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water. The short days may make it more tempting to stay up later at night but getting enough sleep will go a long way to keeping your immune system running at peak performance.For these and other great ideas on keeping yourself well, read the full article here.
4. Get Ready for Winter – Keep Warm, Keep Well brings us this helpful article with some great tips on keeping yourself warm and healthy this winter while still staying on your budget. They suggest adding good insulation in your home which will keep it warmer overall and require less energy to keep it at a temperature that feels comfortable to you. In addition, while the weather is cold and damp, that doesn’t mean a bit of good outdoor exercise, is a bad idea. If you can take the cold weather then it’s always good to put some physical activity into your day. For more information, and some great links, read the full article here.
5. 6 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy This Winter
The folks at see people all year long and know when their customers are coming into the sickness season. That’s why they’re bringing us this helpful article on how to stay healthy and at your desk instead of home sniffling and miserable in bed. From proper rest and hand washing to remember to wipe down your phone and other items at your desk, if you follow this helpful common sense advice, you may just be the one at your office that commiserates with the people who don’t feel well, but never gets sick. Read the full article here.
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