How To Make Your Crappy Work Computer Less Crappy
Your home computer or laptop usually runs and functions like a dream. Unfortunately, your setup at the office likely isn't at the same level of function as that.
Many of us struggle with having to deal with a poor computer at work, but there isn't really much you can do for it. If you aren't a tech wizard or not on the best terms with the guys over in IT, we have a few simple tips and tricks to get your computer running a little better and even access some of those fun time wasting sites corporate might have shut down for you.
Speeding Up Your PC
We all want more speed out of our computer, but this is usually much easier said than done. Fortunately, there are a few simple ways around your slow setup and you can easily get it running faster and smoother.
One of the first things you can do is get rid of any of that old software you aren't using or maybe have never used on your PC. Simply go into your control panel that has the list of programs and delete all the ones that have no purpose being there and are likely bogging you down.
If you are one of those users who constantly have multiple programs going at once that require some high function, than the more RAM you have, the better. Whether it is several work-related programs or you have a couple of time wasting sites and programs going in the background, having a little more RAM, anywhere from 4GB to 8GB, will help you greatly in the long run.
If you are working on a PC, you have likely seen the option to run some sort of disk cleanup, but have you ever actually ran it to clean things up? Running a quality disk cleanup can really help get rid of some old and rundown files that are slowing down your entire setup and get things moving quicker and quicker.
Access Blocked Sites
We all need to kill a little time when we are stuck at work, but unfortunately the higher ups occasionally block these simple time wasting sites such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
Luckily, there are ways around these blockades so you can still access your favorite sites like these.
To access these blocked sites, you will have to get slightly more technical, but it can pay off. First, you will have to type in the IP address rather than a URL.
You can also try using some sort of URL redirecting service such as This essential gives you a way to the site through a different route other than the direct link.
Other options involved searching as a mobile search or even using Google Translate. If you aren't going up against the strongest software ever created, any of these routes should work just fine for you.
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